Coating Process for Fluted Wall Cladding Panel Interior

Fluted wall cladding panels for interior applications undergo a meticulous coating process to enhance both aesthetics and functionality. The process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Surface Preparation:
  • The panels are thoroughly cleaned and prepared to ensure an even surface for coating application.
  • Any imperfections or contaminants are removed to promote optimal adhesion.
  1. Primer Application:
  • A primer is applied to create a bonding layer between the panel surface and the subsequent coatings.
  • The primer enhances adhesion and provides a base for the desired finish.
  1. Base Coating:
  • A base coat is applied to establish the primary color or texture of the cladding.
  • This layer contributes to the overall appearance and durability of the panel.
  1. Fluting Coating:
  • The fluted pattern is coated with precision, ensuring consistent coverage and a visually appealing design.
  • Care is taken to maintain the clarity and definition of the flutes.
  1. Topcoat Application:
  • A protective topcoat is applied to enhance resistance to wear, stains, and environmental factors.
  • This layer also serves to preserve the integrity of the underlying coatings.
  1. Curing and Quality Control:
  • The coated panels undergo a curing process to achieve maximum hardness and durability.
  • Stringent quality control measures are implemented to ensure uniformity and adherence to design specifications.
  1. Final Inspection:
  • Each panel is thoroughly inspected for defects, ensuring that the coating meets the desired standards.
  • Color consistency, texture, and overall finish are scrutinized before the panels are deemed ready for use.

The result is a fluted wall cladding panel with a durable, visually appealing coating that not only enhances the interior space but also provides protection against daily wear and tear.

Here is the videos of working process for coating: